The power of garlic
When fresh garlic is cut of crushed, a sulphur compound, allicin (ay-leen) combines with an enzyme called allinase and a chemical reaction starts.
The first compound that is formed is allicin.
Unfortunately allicin generated from fresh garlic is unstable and quickly changes into a series of other sulpher containing compound, known as thiosulpinates.
Allicin is the one compound that is described as the “mother” substance and responsible in total or in part for the antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties attributable to garlic.
The “mother” substance, quickly breaks down to form a family of beneficial sulfur compounds that can aid health, immunity and general well-being.
This whole “familiy” is needed to get a real measurable benefit from a garlic supplement.
AllicinMedic delivers products always contain Allisure® which signifies that the products are genuine.
Stabilised allicin is the result of a patented process which produces purified, living-source, completely stable allicin for the first time in history.
Allicin is not garlic, but the fully potent active factor in concentrated form, never before available.
It has broad spectrum properties coupled with strong, immune boosting and immunomodulating capacity.
This makes stabilised allicin a highly significant clinical agent, especially in today’s world of widespread epidemics.
British scientists have developed a proprietary process through which the naturally occurring allicin in garlic is extracted, stabilised and concentrated.
The end result is the extremely potent and effective product: Allimed®.
Products with (stabilised) allicin
Allimed®, AllicinMax™, AllicinMax Immune™, Alliderm™, Prepro™, Lesterol®, Heartfast,™
Allipets, Equi-Med Spray, Equi-Med Ultra Garlic powder
The most strongest Allicin liquid and Allicin powder for animals
Other supplements Himalaya Neem, Biotics Research; Berberol Forte, ADP, NAC, CurcumRx, Natural Pure Aloe Vera Pulp,
Argentyn 23 Ion water and gel – natural antibiotic for human and animal